Road Marker Information
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70980 Voyageur Hwy Lake City, Minnesota
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Degrees Lat Long: 44.410000, -92.107361
Latitude: 44°24’36.0″N
Longitude: 92°06’26.5″W
Country: Wabasha County
Where Found:
Marker is near Reads Landing, Minnesota, in Wabasha County. Marker is on Great River Road (U.S. 61) 1½ miles north of 9th Avenue, on the right when traveling north. Marker is at the eastern end of Reads Landing / Lake Pepin Scenic Overlook.
Marker Number:402
Marker Composition: Stone with Bronze plaques
Text on Marker:
Text On Markers:
Lake Pepin occupies the Mississippi Valley above this point for a distance of 22 miles. The lake is formed by the delta of the Chippewa River which enters the Mississippi directly east of this site.
The Chippewa, a relatively small river, has a much steeper gradient than that of the Mississippi. I t was therefore able to transport more sand and coarser gravel than the master stream could remove. In consequence the Mississippi was dammed back in the gorge to form Lake Pepin.
The surface of the lake is 664 feet above sea level and 450 feet below the top of the bluffs which line its shores.
The sand and limestone walls of the gorge are composed of material deposited in Cambrian and Ordovician seas when the continent was submerged some 400 million years ago.
The bottom of the gorge is 150 feet below the lake surface having been filled to its present elevation as the carrying power of the river decreased.
There is another plaque below stating that this was constructed by National Youth Administration 1939.
Region: Southeastern Region
Date Updated: 20160527
Information Needed:
- Marker Images
Condition of Marker: Good
Do it Yourself Region: Mississippi River Valley