Past Field Trip Title: Missouri Ozarks Field Trip
Missouri Ozarks Field Trip
A GSM field trip to the Missouri Ozarks is being arranged. Tentative dates are October 15-22. Sites visited will include Precambrian igneous rocks in the St. Francois Mountains, historic mining sites in the Old Lead belt, karst features (caves, springs, sinkholes, etc.) in the Springfield Plateau, and earthquake hazards in the Missouri Bootheel. Randy and Joanie will be scouting the trip this summer. Watch your email for signup information and a detailed agenda sometime mid-summer. This link is a Google Map with several sites being considered for the field trip:
Since this is a weeklong trip that will require considerable planning, we would like to get a very rough feel for how many might be interested. Please respond to me by April 30 if you feel you might be interested in this trip. Your response is in no way a commitment, and additional information will be sent to all GSM members, whether you respond or not. In your response, indicate:
– How many
– Percent likelihood that you will participate