Past Field Trip Title: interdisciplinary tour of North Shore waterfalls, from Gooseberry to the Pigeon River
Geology and other workshops at Sugarloaf Cove
Hello, fellow ILSG participants!
In case you didn’t get enough North Shore geology here this month, I wanted to let you know about some opportunities this summer.
Two of your fellow participants/presenters have generously offered to lead weekend workshops this summer. John Green is doing an interdisciplinary tour of North Shore waterfalls, from Gooseberry to the Pigeon River, June 12-13. John, as you may know, is one of the great all-around naturalists of this region, deeply knowledgeable not only about geology but also forests and flowers and birds, etc. This should be a great opportunity!
Jim Miller, who had such great maps on display both in presentations and in the posters, is doing an introductory “What’s This Rock?” program July 10-11. This would be a great program for anyone who has ever asked you that same question. Jim has done similar programs for the Complete Scholar program at U of M and, as you know, has a real knack for making technical stuff very accessible.
I’m attaching a flier with a registration form. ILSG members may register for these programs at the Sugarloaf member rate.
I hope to see you up the shore this summer!
Andrew Slade, Executive Director, Sugarloaf Interpretive Center Association
1040 Minnesota Ave. , Duluth , MN 55802 Phone/Fax: 218-740-2755