GSM members,
I am pleased to announce that the lecture schedule for this fall is pretty much completed. As usual, our program chair, Steve Erickson, has put together an interesting and diverse slate of topics, including two that will be online. As in the past, the live lectures, except the Fall Banquet and Annual Meeting on Sept 16, will be on the U of Minnesota campus, but we won’t know the building and room until sometime in September.
You can find the schedule online here: . I have also attached it to this message. As always, changes will occur and we will show those online as soon as we know.
Dave Wilhelm
GSM President
GSM Lecture Schedule for Fall 2024
Mondays, Fall 2024 Start times 7 PM CT on U of Minnesota campus, except as noted.
September 16: Fall Banquet – USGS Bemidji and Bemidji West (Pearl Harbor)
  Jared Trost, M.Sc., Hydrologist, USGS Upper Midwest Water Science Center
  Banquet 5 PM, Annual Meeting 6:30 PM, Lecture 7 PM
  U Garden Restaurant, 2725 University Ave, Minneapolis, MN
September 30: Plan, Core, Scan, Store: Facilitating Core Research
    Kat Cantner, M.Sc., Science & Outreach Coordinator for Continental Scientific Drilling Facility
       at U of Minnesota
October 14: Earthquake hazards in Oklahoma
   **Online Zoom Lecture**
    Jacob Walter, Ph.D., State Seismologist, Oklahoma Geological Survey
October 28: Groundwater Governance in the Great Lakes States—from Well-Cobbled to
Equitable and Sustainable?
   Carrie Jennings, Ph.D., Research and Policy Director, Freshwater Society
November 11: Geological Mapping
    Harvey Thorleifson, Ph.D., Professor, Department of Earth & Environmental Sciences, U of MN
November 25: Shale in a Nutshell: An Overview of Shale Oil and Gas in the U.S. and Texas
  **Online Zoom Lecture**
  Tim McMahon, Ph.D., Project Manager & Principal Investigator for
  Tight Oil Resource Assessment (TORA) consortium
December 9: Topic TBD
  Stephan DeLong, Ph.D., Supervisory Research Geologist, Earthquake Science Center, USGS