Past Field Trip
Past Field Trip Title: Total solar eclipse across the United States
There was a total solar eclipse across the United States on Monday, August 21, 2017. Dave Wilhelm organized a field trip whose primary purpose was to view the 2017 eclipse, in the vicinity of Kearney, Nebraska. This was within easy car driving distance from Minnesota, with a Saturday, August 19 departure. Since we headed hundreds of miles southwest, we included some geology and made a week of it.
Kearney, Nebraska
The following field trip was conducted by the Geological Society of Minnesota in 2017:
There was a total solar eclipse across the United States on Monday, August 21, 2017.
In the February 2017 GSM Newsletter, read Mark Ryan’s recollection of the total solar eclipse he experienced in Mexico in July, 1991. Dave Wilhelm organized a field trip whose primary purpose was to view the 2017 eclipse, in the vicinity of Kearney, Nebraska. This was within easy car driving distance from Minnesota, with a Saturday, August 19 departure. Since we headed hundreds of miles southwest, we included some geology and made a week of it.