Upcoming Field Trips
GSM Northern New Mexico Field Trip
May 14-21, 2025
This field trip will explore the geology of the northern half of New Mexico, with an emphasis on Cenozoic volcanism. A Google map with all of the sites we will likely visit can be found at the following URL: https://maps.app.goo.gl/Wcy5iuFT5Vsj5qibA . Let us know if you have troubles accessing the map. This map does not show the sites in the order we will visit them. A detailed itinerary will be available in the next several weeks. Please do not book any lodging until then.
If you might have interest in this trip please reply to this email by February 16th to remain on the email distribution list. No need to register or commit yet. We will have at least a few Zoom meetings prior to the trip to discuss logistics, arrange possible car pooling and room sharing, and preview the geology we will see on the trip.
Overview of trip:Â The trip will mostly include sites in the field guides below. Most sites are either federal or state monuments, parks, preserves, tribal lands or historic sites. We will also visit a few private venues. We will begin the trip at El Malpais National Monument and move in a generally NE direction, ending the trip at Capulin Volcano National Monument.Â
Trip logistics: The logistics will be similar to previous GSM extended field trips in the last several years. There will be no charge from the GSM for the trip. However, you will be responsible for your own transportation, lodging, food, and admission fees to certain venues. Each day, the itinerary will provide a starting location and time. It will also provide a suggested (and optional) venue for dinner that evening. The Google map above can be used for navigation. If anyone with an iPhone can covert into an Apple Map, send the link to us and we will distribute to interested participants. Latitude and longitude coordinates will also be provided for all stops.
Lodging:Â You will need to make your own lodging arrangements. The itinerary will include a suggested campground for those interested in camping. If enough participants are camping we can try to reserve group sites. However, if you choose to stay in motels you will need to make your own arrangements.
Field Guides:Â We will use three field guides on the trip. I suggest purchasing well in advance and reading before the trip. Links are below. All three can also be ordered from Amazon.
This link will provide additional information on most of our stops.
Trip Coordinators: Please feel free to contact us with any questions.
Randy Strobel Randy.Strobel@metrostate.edu 651-705-7047
Joanie Furlong jfurlong12345@yahoo.com 651-968-4724